Case study – Reproductive Freedom Fund of NH
Image Description: RFFNH Board standing in a field holding a sign which says “Fund Abortions - Destroy the Court”
Client: RFFNH
Where they started
RFFNH is an early stage organization that had never completed a strategic plan before. Erin was brought in to develop their strategic plan for the next 18 months.
What we did together
Erin facilitated a one day retreat with the board and staff of RFFNH with a focus on building camaraderie, aligning around a vision and mission, and creating an action plan.
What they walked away with
A written strategic plan and slide deck with a refined core identity, theory of change, goals and priorities, and an implementation workplan.
New Hampshire
Strategic Planning
“Erin has helped me with various projects I’ve started, but most recently she led a strategic planning retreat for the non-profit I run, the Reproductive Freedom Fund of New Hampshire. She helped us build an incredible agenda to maximize our day together, and we were left with an incredible strategic plan to help guide our work for years to come. We are thrilled with the finished result! ”